In the modality of road transport, we have modular trailers, a total of 101 lines, for the assembly of different configurations. Tractor heads up to 800 C.V. of power and 350 Tn. of drive capacity per unit, which respond to the maximum difficulties that may arise in transport.


Transformer transport in the Alps


In addition to the modular trailers, it is worth highlighting the beam equipment through which we managed to reduce the height of the convoy. Thanks to the joints articulated between the beams or central structure and the front and rear trailers, the configured convoy offers the best response to the demands of registration presented by the road. We have several sets of beams for loading capacities of: 100 T | 200 T | 250 T | 300 T | 400 T

In addition to our specialty in large loads, we have a large fleet of lowered equipment, gondolas and trailers that allows us to serve those transports of less tonnage but of exceptional dimensions. For the transport of high parts, Arbegui S.A, has equipment of reduced tray of 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8 axes. The extensible trailers allow to transport those pieces of great length.
Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Rural: Europa invierte en las zonal rurales.
Programa europeo LEADER para impulsar el desarrollo rural en la UE
Landa Garapenerako Europako Funtsa: Europa landa-eremuetan inbertitzen du